Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Beans & Bags Coffee & Tea

BY: Nicole Babauta
Center Director/Certified Small Business Adviser

      Beans & Bags Coffee & Tea opened its doors in April 2019 in the village of Kagman, Saipan. The business is family owned and operated by Mr. & Mrs. Dennis and Lynette Villagomez and family. The family decided they wanted to reinvest their savings and create a safe haven of bringing the people of the Kagman community together. Beans & Bags Coffee & Tea also believes in the conservation and preservation of natural resources and the protection of “Mother Earth” and promotes an eco-friendly environment and practices to its daily operations.
      When asked, “Why did you decide to start your business?” Mrs. Villagomez shares, “Our family decided to open the coffee shop in Kagman to provide the community with more options to purchase food and drinks in the Kagman area. Additionally, we wanted to provide a venue that offered free WiFi to community members who don’t have internet access at home, but most especially to our students from Kagman Elementary, ChaCha Oceanview Middle School and Kagman High School.”
      Mrs. Villagomez shares that the start-up process was not as hard as they thought it would be. In fact, it brought the family closer together as they worked as a team to accomplish various tasks on the checklist.
      The CNMI SBDC assisted the Villagomez Family by providing guidance and support throughout the planning and soft opening of their business. Mrs. Villagomez shares the following advice for those looking to start their business, “Dreams of starting a business will always be a dream until you take the first step and put in writing.”
Beans & Bags Coffee & Tea is opened from Monday to Saturday from 6:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. in Kagman. For more information, call (670) 235-BEAN (2326).